Thursday 29 April 2010

Father and son painting Project

This is a Project I did with Dove. Who is a really keen artist, and proud owner of his own art blog. The blinds rarely get pulled down, so we decided it would be a great idea to paint the street view from across the street onto the blinds. Dove thought it was a great idea as people would think that they were still open! We had great fun with this enormous project, that was still incomplete on my last return to england! Dove decided to enlist the help of his dad.


It was almost a work of art in itself, watching my work be peeled from the wall. It had a good six month run. I collected the peeled off pieces of paint... to create something new with. watch this space.
It took a night to create....


A painting I did whilst in the Berkshires

The Wall Behind the Art Wall

A more recent shot of the blinds....

View of Bowery blinds- a work in progress.

Thinking about what on Earth it is I just did to the blinds behind me....
Work in progress. The idea is that when the blinds are pulled down, the street scene from acroos the road, will be duplicated onto the blinds. The Lower East side, New York.
Close up of the art wall. Lower East side

Brief: To create an area in the family room of this Manhattan loft, that was both kid friendly and hip looking. The solution was to create a gallery space, that could display the art work of the four children who lived here. It was made so that the paintings can be taken down, re-worked and moved around.


Portrait Project-Boy's room

This is Dove, standing in front of his largest painting to date. He wanted the challenge of making something really big, and was amazed at how quick it took him to compete it.

Gogo and Myrtles room, Lower East side New York

This bedroom, is really special to me as it was the first bedroom I did that wasn't my own. I worked closely with the two sisters to develop a bedroom that was unique to both of them. One sister loves pink and all things fairy tale and princess, and the other is a huge Michael jackson fan, she is four and loves dancing and all things none princess.

(Myrtle's Wall mural see above) which she helped to paint. after saying

"Sarah why do you always paint like hearts and pretty things, why dont you ever paint monsters?"

we later monsterfied or is it Myrtlefied her section of the bedroom.

The Inspiration... monsters.

The sister bedroom

I love all things design. I want to inspire people with this blog, and share ideas for the decoration of children's bedrooms. I will update it with ideas, and rooms that I have worked on.

I still remember my first ever bedroom, I shared it with both of my sisters. I'm in the middle so unfortunatly I was never short of company, the only sister to never have my own bedroom. It was painted pink. I rember a black and white ballerina picture.

After the pink room, we moved house I remember my second bedroom I shared with my younger sister, we picked out the border ourselves. It was really thick about 4 inches- it was called wild Thing and was filled with jungle animals. We both loved it, and tried to create a jungle atmospher in our room. Ever since I can remember I have decorated my own bedroom.

I would get sent upstairs by my mom to clean my room, instead I would sneak into the garage and raid the tins of paint. Carry it back upstairs and re-decorate.

Once I painted the entire room in a blue-tac blue...the ceiling too. It was bliss. I eventually painted clouds on the ceilings to make it the sky.

Eight years later the sky is still going strong, I have since moved out, it got painted sexy pink when I was eighteen, and remained that way throughout my teens and early twenties. It's currently waiting to be de-pinked for my younger brother to move into.